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How to do Yoga? The importance of Subtle Body (Astral Body)

Contributed by : Saha Nathan
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Ever since I started doing Yoga, I kept on doing it merely like an exercise until I realized the importance of aligning my Subtle body or Aura with my physical body. I had a question about focusing the subtle body when I do Yoga.

Yoga means union of you and Existence. It is a process of union between atman (Spirit) and paramatman (Divine). In other way I would say that it is a union of your life energy (Bio Magnetism) with cosmic energy (Universal Magnetism.

Now, imagine how important thisprocess is if you want to connect with the Divine itself. It means, you have to be completely in tune with the process, only then YOGA happens.

Now let us discuss how your subtle body will help you to achieve this UNION.

Our body is made up with five sheaths/koshas, they are:

1. Physical - Food Sheath - Annamaya Kosha

2. Life Force - Air Sheath - Pranamaya Kosha

3. Mental - Mind Sheath - Manomaya Kosha

4. Intellectual - Intuitive Sheath - Vignanamaya Kosha

5. Bliss - Ananda Maya Kosha

Let us see how these five koshas/Sheaths are related in three bodies :

1. Gross Body or Stula Body which is nothing but PHYSICAL BODY

2. Subtle Body or Astral Body - MENTAL and INTELLECTUAL along with Life Force.

3. Causal Body or Bliss Body - Ananda Maya Kosha.

In reality when you start aligning your Gross body and subtle body then the connection to the Divinity inside you will be established since the third layer (Ananda Maya Kosha) is nothing but Divine.

If somebody does classical YOGA, It is nothing but a process of establishing a union between you and existence.

Yoga is a pure science as per the father of Yoga, the Pathanjali Master. The eight limbs of Yoga are:

Yama,Niyama,Asanas,Pranayama,Prithyagara,Dharana,Dhyana and Samadhi. Together, these are called astanga YOGA.

Step one to step seven will happen naturally if somebody does YOGA. This means, doing posture in tune with the subtle body.

Finally, YOGA is not only for Physical health, it has a bigger real purpose inherent with it.

About Author
An experienced writer and counselor in relationship management with 15 years of research and development on human relationships and emotions
  • Author of a renowned book, CRM: A Step-by-Step Approach, which is prescribed for graduate programs in 25 Indian universities
  • Speaks frequently on relationships, and his sessions are broadcast daily on Merina America 24-Hour Tamil Radio (
  • Saha is very passionate about his idols, he practices what he writes.

  • To reach Saha Nathan:
    Please e-mail him at or visit his Web site:



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